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How to use bc, the shell calculator

bc = bench calculator.
If you don’t know your shell’s calculator yet, it’s time to learn how to use it, even if its use is very basic.
The most trivial use of its functions should already cover most of your needs.
But don’t be fooled, this is a really powerful piece of software that should definitely be on your radar.

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URL encoding/decoding with sed

There are various ways of encoding/decoding urls.
Programmers often use ready-made functions for this.
But do you really know what these functions are doing?
For this article, I’ve chosen sed as the tool to replace the codes and I point out the RFCs that discuss the subject.

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Understand how to customize VIM on MacOS

If you’re already starting to get the hang of VIM, it’s time to take the next steps.
In this article, I’ll explain how to set up VIM for MacOS in what I consider to be the cleanest way (you may want to install it differently and that’s fine) and how to configure the NerdTree plugins, to access the directory tree; Status Tab to put some additional tools on the screen (and make VIM look very nice); and the Git plugin, to make version control easier without leaving the application.
Happy reading!

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How to display colors in the terminal

Do you want to display texts with colors, bold, italics, underline, etc.?
Understanding a few rules and codes makes it easier than it sounds.
Learn how to display colors in your terminal with the clarity of someone who knows what they’re doing.

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How to enable Extended REGEX in VIM

Escaping characters that should have special meanings in regex can be very annoying.
But VIM has an interesting feature called very magic! Here’s how to use it.

Using echo

A quick guide on how to use the echo command in the most practical way possible.

How to use bc, the shell calculator

bc = bench calculator.
If you don’t know your shell’s calculator yet, it’s time to learn how to use it, even if its use is very basic.
The most trivial use of its functions should already cover most of your needs.
But don’t be fooled, this is a really powerful piece of software that should definitely be on your radar.

URL encoding/decoding with sed

There are various ways of encoding/decoding urls.
Programmers often use ready-made functions for this.
But do you really know what these functions are doing?
For this article, I’ve chosen sed as the tool to replace the codes and I point out the RFCs that discuss the subject.
